So this lovely post is dedicated to my beautiful Wife (Friend) Neola! She has been in my life (internet) for quite a long while now. She has taught me quite a lot about friendship, interacting with different energies and respecting people. So when I asked to dedicated a piece of writing to her and asked her what she would like me to speak on. So here it goes.
In this post the Three of Pentacles will speak on:
- How to communicate with Spirits through Dreams
- Past Life Memories/Recall
- Discovering Learning more about ourselves through Dreams
- Dreaming/Dreamwork/Dreams as Tools
So you see we have quite a bit to cover now don’t we. Before we go any further I would just like to say that what I provide here is what is passed through me. What the Tarot card speaks to me, what the spirits say and what I’ve experienced. I don’t claim to be the one stop source of all things Oracle but this is what has worked for me and what Spirit speaks to me so enjoy it and use it if you can.
Spirit Communication & Dreams
Communicating with Spirit requires work. It requires you to be a part of the process as well as the spirit in which you are working with and then there is this other force that needs to be considered. This underlying current of energy that need be present in order to connect the two of you together.
It would make sense for people to use their dream time to connect with spirit. The Dreamscape is the perfect place as your spirit is in full when you are in dreamtime. You have no physical limitation, your mind is not going against you when you experience ‘perceived impossible’ things in dreamland. So when you connect with spirit in the dreamscape it’s easier for the Spirit to lower their vibration to connect with you because a part of you thinks it’s not real, that it’s JUST a dream so it’s okay to play this out therefore not met with the resistance as you may if physically awake. The spirits seem to be able to connect easier as well when they enter your dreams since their energy matches easier in that frequency.
When they come to you in your dream you are asked to pay attention to what they say, pay attention to how they look, the smells you may receive. Jot those down in your awareness and enjoy the process. If you wish to speak with a loved one who has moved on to the veil then before going to sleep you are asked to remember them. Hold an item of theirs and call out to them. Place it beneath your pillow and allow the memories you have of them to come forth and smile. Smile and send good vibes. Ask them to present themselves in your dreams. Send them energy to connect with you. And go to bed knowing that you will receive a message from them in the dreamscape and that when you awake you will remember everything that transpired.
When you are in the dream look for markers, things that stand out to you. Colors, sensations, scenarios, etc.. Remember everything that stood out to you. Sometimes the individual may not show up physically but speak to you through a symbolic nature which is then left up to you to discern. That is why I always say to pay attention to what your awareness zones in on. When you awake be sure to have a journal or notepad close by and write down everything that you can recall. You can even have a digital recorder on hand and record what you experienced. If you have a challenge believing that you are actually making the connection with spirit, you can ask them for signs in your waking life to confirm what you experienced in dreamtime. You will receive confirmation. Be aware and have fun with your dreams.
Dreams & Past Life Memories
I’ve been asked a bit about past lives and memories of them. People having very vivid dreams that seem to be so real but set in a past scenario and feels more like a memory than anything else.
Now I just want to stress here not to get caught up in past life recall or anything of that sort. They are there to experience and to utilize but not to get obsessed with. You may utilize their energy to promote your growth here and now but don’t get too involved with the fantasy about who you were in a different life that you forget who you are in this one.
I am asked to give you a simple meditation to do before bed. Prepare to for your sleep. Get into your bed and relax. Get into whatever sleeping position that you sleep in and then just focus on your breath. Close your eyes. Visualize yourself falling down, feeling a swoosh of air flow through your hair, feel yourself falling and falling but you know you are safe and where you land will be perfect for you. Then you feel that you are suspended in air and you look down at your feet to notice that you are standing on black stone. You look around to notice you are in a space of darkness where all things are silent and mystical. You notice to your right a light and you follow the light. You see a stairway that leads down, and you follow the stairs twisting, spiraling down. You finally reach the bottom and notice a doorway in front of you. Over the doorway you see the words ‘Know Thyself’.. And you know that to enter you must know thyself and to enter you WILL know thyself. You know that this is your mission so you enter through the doorway and once you do you feel shifted, changed and more aware of everything that you are. You walk into a space that is dimly lit by candles and as you walk to the center of the room you notice that there are two others in the room with you. They walk closer to you. Their eyes are quite familiar but they look so different. You notice that their eyes are the same as YOUR eyes. These individuals ARE you but in different bodies, different clothing, different styles of hair, color, everything.. What do you notice about these individuals? Does one shine more than the other? Ask them who they are. Ask them where they are, from what time period did they come from. Ask them what you need to know from them. These individuals are YOU but from the past. Ask them whatever you desire and allow them to answer.
When you are ready thank them and as you walk back towards the doorway you see them retreat into the darkness becoming one with the shadow.. You walk out feeling empowered and walk back up the stairway and out into the darkness. From the darkness you are taken back to your awareness of yourself in your bed. When you come out of this, remember everything you experienced, you can write it down if you’d like but before you really fall asleep make sure you ask for these individuals to have contact IN your dreams. So when you sleep messages will pour through. Pay attention, be aware and when you awake write it out.
Past life memories from what I’ve experienced and have been told come about as a ‘knowing’ and you get this feeling that this is or was reality. Be very discerning with this and no.. My love you were not Isis or Napoleon or Cesar Just sayin’.
Dreams & Discovering/Learning about ourselves
Our dreams are really powerful on many levels. They can tell us so much about who we are if we allow them to. When you are having a bad day or having a great day you can learn more about what makes you tick and what gets you fired up as well as what inspires you through your dreams. Replay the days events before you go to bed, ask for guidance on learning more about how you acted during the day, ask for guidance on if there was a situation that you could of handled better, ask why you chose to handle it that way. Let your dreams speak to you about who you are in the current moment, how you interact with your world and why you do the things you do. Utilize the direct information as well as the symbols that you receive in your dreams to empower you.
So if you don’t know why you do a certain thing you can focus on it before you sleep, ask for the answer to be revealed to you in your dreams and then be aware of what you experience while you dream. Do this for a few days so that you can build a database of answers. Write it all out and then after three days go over everything that you’ve written and put the puzzle together.
Remember that you don’t have to do things alone or figure things out the hard way. Allow your dreams to speak to you. When you have a challenge or a roadblock consult your dreams, allow them to process the information and give you inspiration. It just takes time and awareness.
Dreams as Tools
So you can see with all that was provided above that Dreams are quite powerful. They are amazing tools to empower each and every one of us. We don’t have to go through life alone and unguided with no answers and no help. We dream each and every night so why not utilize that to our advantage. We can use our dreams to be the best humans we can be. We can use them to work through problems, to inspire us and so much more. So take the time to actively engage with your dreams and work at remembering them and honor them each night.
Have fun with them. Get together with some friends, discuss your dreams and even try to meet each other in the dream world. Play around with them and enjoy!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the post. If you have any questions please just comment bellow. If you liked the post please tell me in the comment section or when you utilize this or if you work with dreams tell me about your experiences! YAY!!
The post Dreams – Three of Pentacles appeared first on Modern Day Oracle.