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Paint a Journey With New Life!


Ostara: Paint a journey with new life.

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Before we delve into this post i’d like to invite you to read the post before mine and for those of you who came from there, welcome to my devious abode!

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I’ve put this blog post off for the longest time! Now its due in 2 days so I best get my ass into gear. It is perfect energy for the topic though. You see we are entering Ostara which means we are entering spring time! It is time to get rid of the winter persona and put on the springtime energy.

So why don’t we discover what it means to Paint a Journey with new life. You see the cards speak clear to me tonight about what it is we need to be working on. You may have a lot of goals for yourself, you have some unfinished business that you’d like to take care of before you do anything else or you buried some things for newfound goals because you felt like certain things were unrealistic. Let’s go ask the High Priestess for some insight shall we? Don’t be rude though or else she’ll bitch slap you like you’ve never experienced before! This bitch be crazy! No seriously… She will smite you!

2012 03 17 13 00 25 965 226x300 Paint a Journey With New Life!The High Priestess

You have all the tools in your toolbox to get where you need to be and yet you keep doddling around, so you have to ask yourself why? Is it because you have changed a lot yet you are still looking at your goal from the old you rather than this new you? Let go of your expectations on HOW you think it should play out breathe a new vibe into it. When you have something that you’d like to achieve and that is the constant in your life and you work so hard at it on a daily basis, it can get so repetitious that you get distracted by other things. NEW things that you feel you could get in to and be far happier with. But you are never happy with it because you really want to achieve your initial goal. That is why you have to actively engage in your life from different view points. Re-evaluate where you have been and where you are at this moment. Look at that big goal you wanted to achieve for yourself and write down what you’ve done so far to get closer to it. Now look at it in a different way. See everything you’ve accomplished. You see when you first decided you wanted to bring this to reality you just started with that intent and nothing else. You didn’t have all those things on your list that you can now check off. Okay so you are closer to attaining your desire! So now write out a few more action steps you can take to get you farther down the road. What is your vision? How do you wish to see things going? Start actively changing your reality, start seeing things differently and allowing them to take form. Each day play it out and send to it good vibes and allow it to manifest for you.

Well what are you waiting for? You aren’t going to get that promotion by sitting on your ass now will ya? Well…. Unless… No! Get up and get gone, time to move to your next experience. Go talk to that Fool over yonder! See what kind of nonsense he will get you to do.

legacy divine 07345 Paint a Journey With New Life!The Fool

So many wonderful options at your disposal! You’ve acquired so many skill sets that will benefit you in the long run. It’s time to take what you’ve learned already and customize it. You know you want to get Bling happy. So why don’t you? Look at where it is you really desire to be and create a customized template for it. Take some time to really sit in meditation, get creative and make a collage of everything you’d like in this template. Or get a shoe box or some sort of box and start to add pictures in the box of what it is you’d like to bring about. Now is the perfect time to state your intent to the multiverse. Does what you want to produce require a certain type of look? Start to role play and put on clothing/makeup/jewelry that will put you into this persona and start playing it out. Act as if you already have it and have fun with it. Keep your inner child fed and allow yourself to enjoy the steps that you take to get to your final destination. See your current situation from the end result. Put your awareness to where you already have what it is you wish to achieve and look at the current placement and see the progress that you have made/will make.

I’m going to play dress up a little while longer but it is time for you to move on. You must not stay in the same space for too long otherwise you may get hooked into going back. But this will not be allowed amongst Fools! You carry on and if you see that dog hanging on will you be sure to give him a Scooby snack? Go see the 6 of Wands to get revved up!

2012 03 17 13 01 20 12 220x300 Paint a Journey With New Life!The Six of Wands

You’ve been well prepared by The High Priestess and The Fool but now it’s time to put on a different suit and get down and dirty with life! You have the inner guidance system built up, you have the tools and the knowledge as to what you desire but now you must put it into action. Take everything you’ve learned thus far, take it all and place it around you. You may feel like you have this new-found passion about where you are headed but you must take it further than just basking in your perceptive glory. You must see it through. Take charge and start to act on the doorways and opportunities that are coming your way. Don’t sit still and give in to stagnation. You must learn to honor the choices that you do have. When a door opens ask yourself will it align with what you desire to achieve? Is it a step in the right direction? If so then move forward but if not allow some time to pass and decide to stay where you are for a little longer and allow a new opportunity to come forth and it will come forth. I know it may seem a tad scary at first but you have this new outlook on life remember? Out with the old, in with the new; breathe life into a deep rooted goal so that you may manifest it with excitement. Remember to celebrate the smaller victories as you go forward on your path. Don’t get too serious about life, allow yourself to enjoy it at the same time be serious enough to not lose sight of the original intention.

So dust off, get on the horse, armor up with all your knowledge and wisdom and move forward with the expectation that you will get many opportunities and you will achieve the end result. Be cautious not to let all the amazing energies that are aligning with you to get to your head. Nobody likes a snoot prick! Just sayin’ icon wink Paint a Journey With New Life! Now go talk to that 7 over there waiting to slap you something fierce… Oh I mean give you a good talking to. Yes… That’s right…

2012 03 17 12 59 30 3871 210x300 Paint a Journey With New Life!The Seven of Wands

Gosh I feel some sort of Fortune cookie chit coming on! ‘The Student has now transitioned to Master’ is all I keep hearing. This card is freaking me out ahaa but it’s a good thing. So let’s take a looksy as to what this lover is saying.

HAH oh gosh these cards have a sense of humor. ‘Sometimes you gotta put the beat down on some bitches” … I mean really? You must remember though we are dealing with wands here. Okay back to it!

When you make the conscious decision to enter a doorway, when you do take on that new opportunity that brings you closer to your main goal, you go through a rite of passage in a sense. You must keep your passion and enthusiasm for this new aspect in your life very close to you. You may be challenged by others who have been doing this longer than you and since you may be the new energy in the mix you will be tested. Keep your inspiration within your heart and let your light shine and meet these individuals head on. You are in control of what YOU do and HOW you do it so be the best at it. If you shine brighter then those who have been at it for years, well, amazing for you! Don’t allow the influence of others to taint your joy for the next step in progression. You will have to fight for what you believe in and old situations may come back to try and weigh you down. It is up to you to stand your ground and meet these head on. You know who you are, so don’t allow anyone else to define you.

Now take those biddies head on and blast the hell out of them with your shiny ass light! DO IT! Move on and go talk to the 3 of Wands will ya? It’s time to get some real juice going.

2012 03 17 12 59 58 953 200x300 Paint a Journey With New Life!The Three of Wands

How absolutely splendid it is to have you here at the conclusion or is it just the beginning? Whatever it may be it is an honor! You’ve come so far on your journey and it is time to bask in the light of the many changes you have made. It’s time to honor all that you have worked for at this moment and illuminate the path so that all that you have worked towards will see you in the fog. You must act as a lighthouse now so that you can guide what you’ve created and called for directly back to you. Stand tall and allow the winds of change to embrace you. Allow your daily activities to inspire you to embrace what it is you’ve waited so long for. Once you’ve went through the initiation of the previous cards you will get here and you will be forever changed because of it. Now is the perfect time to blast those flares up and allow the abundance to find you!

Ostara: Paint a journey with new life!

The cards speak clearly and in order to paint your journey with new life you must honor where you have been and where it is you are going. Stop looking at something from a past point of view and start looking at it from your current moment with your current tools and actively engage in your life to produce exactly what you want. In order to give something new life in this situation you must remember to detach from the past and root in the present moment so that you can see with clarity and with the newfound skills and insight you have gained since initially creating your journey. It’s all a matter of perception. Seeing things as the current you vs. seeing things as the person you were a month ago or 2 weeks ago.

So go on now, get those seeds you’ve been hesitant about planting, re-evaluate them, give them some good loving and put them into the earth so that they may grow and you may grow with them!

What are you going to use to paint your journey with? Where are you headed?

Now please go read the next Blog in this Blog Hop Adventure!

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::Note:: The Lovely Deck being used here is the Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti!

Michael Banuelos
Modern Day Oracle

The post Paint a Journey With New Life! appeared first on Modern Day Oracle.

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